Monday, January 22, 2018

Breakfast at home: greek yogurt with diced apple and banana. Rode Uber Pool Express to UCSF Laurel Heights. Lots of identity retheme and issue queue task followup and identity retheme and other styling work. Extracted vector-based graphics for the web from a pdf for Paula. Delivered an old photo of MW to Sandra S at her request. Lunch to go from The View Cafe: veggie california on rye: $5, ate at my desk. Also ate two mandarins that I had brought from home. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Muni times did not look favorable, so I rode Uber Pool Express home for $2.75 before tip. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken cacciatore with angel hair pasta. Dessert: one dark chocolate macadamia nut cluster each. Finished watching Baby Driver on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Afterwards I watched some of the DVD extras and some of the scenes from the film by myself.