Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Rode Uber Pool Express to UCSF Laurel Heights. Tested the identity retheme project on test.* for pharmacy, pc, bts, cp, and pharmd. Followup with Diana K about email list update data. Finalized the OSACA special letterhead template for Cindy. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Mt. Zion. Lunch at My Ivy: beef noodle soup. Walked to UCSF Laurel Heights. Followup with Robin and Susie about the new year card greeting. Met with Eric and James H about styling issues for content maintenance work. Continued reading from Richard Rutter's Web Typography via purchased PDF. Watched Eric resolve issues with printing Avery labels for the new year greeting dead tree version. Identity retheme work: attempted to resolve some stylesheet problems with IE11/Win10 but could not figure it out and marked it will-not-fix. Rode Uber Pool Express home. Dinner at home with Patrick: roasted whole chicken, green garlic potatoes, side salad, white wine, san pell. Today I learned that Symantec Endpoint Protection (SEP) interferes with Enter Time Machine. If "Virus and Spyware Protection" is not disabled, entering Time Machine results in slow, almost unresponsive behavior.