Sunday, December 31, 2017

Slept in. Brunch at home: chicken orzo soup from a can, three pretzel rods, green tea. Spent the day relaxing and awaiting the arrival of a Good Eggs delivery while Patrick briefly napped. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled chicken with couscous, side salad, red wine, san pell. Dessert: tiramisu. Dessert #2 for me: two TJ's candy cane jo-jo's. Watched part of When Harry Met Sally via iTunes rental ($3.99) with Patrick. We encountered a few problems at the start of the watching. One was that the window in which the film displayed was slightly off from full screen. The solution to this was to explicitly select full screen from a menu in iTunes. Another problem was that the sound was not properly synched to what we saw on the screen. e.g., when people spoke the timing of the audio was slightly off from when we saw their mouths move. The solution to this I think was to fully download the film instead of stream it. A comment on a website said to check that QuickTime preferences matched preferences elsewhere (Audio MIDI Setup?) but when I opened QuickTime I could find no preferences dialog available. I also happened to restart the computer but I'm not sure this was needed. A third problem was that sound disappeared after I restarted the computer. I think the solution to this was to change inputs on the Logitech Z906, but I'm not sure. In any case I got it to work maybe 15 or 20 minutes after we had started. Patrick was too tired an hour in and we decided to watch the remainder later. I performed password management, paid a bill, and set up a Movies Anywhere account before going to bed shortly after midnight.