Friday, January 13, 2017

Decryption is about 33% complete. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with fresh, diced granny smith apple and pumpkin pie spice; 8 ounces of tangerine-orange juice. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. PharmD redesign meeting. Apple Mail crashed on me while applying a rule. When I tried to restart it, it would not open. I found the crash report in Console: EXC_CRASH: EWS store S{MFEWSStore <MFMailbox: 0x7fe4d1fa8360> A925D85D-D31B-4FB4-8B83-F77CF62E4545 <5 chars> <MFEWSAccount: 0x7fe4d1d16000> [identifier] (7038ABBB-C647-400C-A7E9-3FF8BA98E376)} doesn't have a folder ID / *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'EWS store doesn't have a folder ID' / abort() called terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException. My UCSF email account is inactive on this computer, but somehow it's causing a problem. I'm expecting my account to be migrated from Exchange 2013 to Exchange Online soon, so maybe I won't bother troubleshooting or resolving this until after that.