Friday, December 30, 2016

Home all day recuperating from a cold. Recharge Medical work: editing draft skin care pages, new outdoor sign for wall build. Patrick stopped ordering from Blue Apron today. We like Green Chef better since unlike Blue Apron it is all organic and it does more of the prep work. We are also shifting some of our dinner meals to Trader Joe's prepared entrees, for example adding linguine we cook ourselves to chicken piccatta or meatloaf. Nap. Watched the remainder of X-Men: Apocaplyse (2016) on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Dinner at home with Patrick: bbq chicken thin-crust pizza delivery from Baiano via EAT24. Watched Star Trek: Voyager "Deadlock" (s2:e21) on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Played more of Lara Croft: Go on my iPad Pro.