Sunday, December 18, 2016

Met Danny at Union Square. We walked to brunch at City View: about $25 each. On the way we stopped at a Cailler pop up store and received free chocolate samples. Afterwards we walked to Apple Union Square. I weighed in my hands the 15- and 13-inch MacBook Pros that were released in October. The 15-inch at about 4 pounds feels like more weight than I want to carry. The 13-inch at about 3 pounds seems better. It's still not as light as my 2012 MacBook Air, though (2.4 pounds). I also asked about the new LG 4K and 5K monitors, but they did not yet have them available for display. One of the employees complimented me on my Abercrombie Kids "Rollins" brown leather jacket. Afterwards I walked around town a bit before riding Uber Pool home. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: Green Chef sage-roasted chicken with potatoes and carrots, sun-dried tomato gremolata; red wine, san pell. Watched Pee Wee's Playhouse Christmas Special (1988) on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Caught up on journaling.