Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Rode Lyft Line to Laurel Heights. Along the way I continued studying Spanish on Duolingo. Sprint standup. Submitted a new poster order to correct an unfortunate spelling error. Backed up the old PGRN-CGM on dbts then implemented a redirect as requested by Sook Wah. A residency page edit for Erin H. Empty profile followup with Millo. Answered a question for Megan about how to request a new resource email account. Calendar management. Completed edits to the grad rate and grad perf page for Cindy. Made edits to the phone number cheat sheet. Checked in with Stephen B to see if he has a new phone number. Followup with SM about orientation and technology sessions. Published a new profile for Katherine K: McDevitt. Lunch at Picnix: my lemongrass tofu sandwich came with a complimentary slice of watermelon. The rest of today was spent on the identity retheme: replacing header search box art. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: Blue Apron bbq pork burgers and corn on the cob with crispy onion rings and garlic-herb butter. Amputagged Scotch Shrunk purchases. Finished watching Finding Vivian Maier on Netflix instant watch—gorgeous photos, fascinating story.