Sunday, June 19, 2016

Point Reyes and Tomales Bay vacation. Pre-brunch: banana, leftover fruit salad (strawberries and blueberries). We checked out of out vacation home rental. We attempted to brunch at Bluewater Bistro, but they were out of space. Instead we brunched at Estero. Phil returned the house keys. At Estero I ate a crab roll with onion rings. We said goodbyes. I rode back to Shotwell House, then rested a bit before riding Lyft Line home. Rested. White wine. Dinner at home with Patrick: Blue Apron beef arepas with pickled onion, avocado and radishes; white wine. Watched part of 12 Years a Slave on Netflix DVD with Patrick and popcorn. Recharge Medical work: July news prep including new header prep, a few web styling fixes.