Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. Sprint standup. Legal name change work for a student. Forwarded a recruitment request to Eric. Web updates: OEIS staff for Rebecca. Forwarded an encryption help request from a student to the encryption team. Lots of various followup. OSACA introduction to the new P1s. Lunch: a bbq pork vietnamese sandwich left over from orientation. Listserv management: I had forgot to populate the intern jobs listserv with the new addresses so I did that. Joe C's farewell celebration at Nursing Mezzanine. Visited Susie's new Parnassus office with Eric. We helped her resolve some issues she has had since setting up her new MacBook Pro and dual Thunderbolt displays. Susie gave us and James J a ride back to Laurel Heights. Sent info security certification messages to specific students. Web updates: OEIS staff. Lots of encryption work: info security certification process management, usb drive distribution preparation. Began work on a request to extend access for a student. More followup with headings for career-development and leadership courses for Bob and Susie. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: quesadilla, side salad. Troubleshot our internet connection which had stopped working last night. Several calls to support failed to resolve the problem. On the last call, I was disconnected and the support engineer did not call me back even though he had my telephone number—weird. I gave up talking to them and ended up fixing the problem on my own. I discovered that the router configuration was borked; restoring to factory settings then manually set everything again resolved the problem.