Monday, September 7, 2015

Still recovering from sore throat. Breakfast on the back patio: chicken noodle soup from Mollie Stone's deli, a leftover breadstick, Odwalla Blueberry B. Edited and uploaded photos to Flickr. Drank various medicinal tisanes with local honey. Late lunch on the back patio: six potstickers from frozen, prune juice mixed with club soda, medicinal tisane with local honey, water. Recharge work for Drew: small changes to staff and management pages. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken enchiladas mostly from scratch. Continued editing a new novel by Patrick. Dessert: fresh strawberries with whipped cream from a can. Recharge Spa work for Drew and Phil: built a rough cut of an intro video in iMovie 10.0.9. Edited and uploaded photos to Flickr.