Friday, May 8, 2015

PharmD Commencement at Davies Symphony Hall. This was the first year we began calling it commencement instead of graduation ceremony, primarily due to Susan H. This was the first commencement for Vicky U, Leslie M, Kevin D, and Cathy T. Rick and I led the usher group. Met or reencountered Davies usher staff: Teresa, Rick, Horacio, Jeff, Kurt, Chris, Ann. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: burrata and basil pizza and side salad from Baiano Pizza. The center was soggy but I was so hungry I didn't mind much. The salad was supposedly Brazilian, but it looked like a regular salad to me. For dessert we ordered tiramisu. It turned out to be what some call tiramisu, but not me. It used spongecake instead of ladyfingers, and to me it had a strong taste of pancakes and maple syrup, and although it was tasty I felt it was wrong to call it tiramisu. Patrick did not taste pancakes and syrup as I did. Packed for Drupalcon. Caught up on journaling.