Saturday, January 3, 2015

Surgery recovery activities all day. Breakfast at home: egg and smoked cheddar on english muffin, water. Encountered the problem in which all the web bookmarks saved to my iPhone 6 Plus home screens looked like white boxes with placeholder icons (circles and Xes). Apple forum discussion thread 6541583 solved it for me: problem is resolved after changing Settings > General > Language & Region > iPhone Language to English UK, then change it back to English. Walked to lunch at Grubbin' with Patrick: spicy mouth waterin' for him, fishin' for me, san pellegrino for both: about $28. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftovers from Grubbin' and Patrick's mashed butternut squash with chinese five spice, honey, salt, pepper, butter. Watched half of The Trip to Italy on Netflix DVD but stopped because I grew tired of it. It was not very different than The Trip; just different scenery. Back to Netflix it goes.