Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Breakfast at home: half-slice of sharp cheddar and egg whites on whole wheat english muffin, water, one sliced apple. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. PharmD content work in Drupal. Sprint standup. More PharmD content work in Drupal. A bunch of Asana task followup all day. Lunch at desk: veggie california sandwich from The View Cafe. Content review meeting and coffee break with Susie. Partway through I called the rest of the team into my office to demonstrate how to identify and resolve what we call the 8203 character entity problem. In our Drupal system we sometimes encounter a problem in which there is vertical whitespace preceding or following an image that we are unable to remove. Upon using browser tools to inspect the image, a character entity of ​ can be found just before or after the image. This character entity is a zero-width space, so it is not visible either in wysiwyg or in view source mode. However, it is still a character, so to find it, edit the page, view source, put your cursor just before or after the image, then use the arrow keys to move the cursor back and/or forth over either the start or end of the image code. When your cursor stays in the same location for two presses of the arrow key in the same direction, you have found the hidden character entity. This will likely occur at the boundary of the image code—where the image starts or ends. In our case, it occurs adjacent to double square brackets (either left or right). Delete the mysteriously invisible character, save the page, and the unwanted whitespace should be gone. It's an uncanny experience, and to me it is mystical and paranormal. We don't yet know how/why the problem occurs, and until I had stumbled across this solution through trial, error, and I guess luck, we didn't know how to resolve it. Eric suspects it has something to do with CKeditor and specified a few more details which I now don't recall. Submitted a ticket to ITS for Lucia's new monitors installation. PharmD content work in Drupal and followup. Forgot to leave work early, rode Lyft home due to UberX price surge when Ed called. Met landlord Ed at home. He showed me emergency info stuff: how to turn off water, gas, and electricity. Over the past few weeks I have been taking more steps toward being fully prepared for a disaster like a major earthquake. Dinner at home: two small courses about an hour apart of leftover rice pasta with garlic basil sauce from a jar. Watched various videos on YouTube as well as part of Darrin's Dance Grooves on Netflix DVD. Made edits to my journal code so that it would display ​ properly.