Friday, April 11, 2014

Breakfast: blueberry-apple granola; fresh, diced apple; and unsweetened soy milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Parnassus. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Chatted briefly with James and Michael about Frances. Linkchecking, kiosk work. View building in Drupal: curriculum. Lunch from The View Cafe: veggie california on rye, pickle slice, egg roll, water from my Contigo water bottle. Ate in the courtyard. Content work in Drupal: 2007 plans. Followup on an SCWG and JACS issue. Chatted briefly with Paula about the Roy Lab website. Troubleshot a problem in which an incorrect author name in authoring information caused an error when trying to save a page. UCSF shuttle from Laurel Heights to Parnassus. Snack from Panda Express: two veggie spring rolls, no sauce to go. My fortune: Be alert for new opportunities in business or pleasure. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftovers, red wine. Patrick started playing Monument Valley. Watched part of Big Deal on Madonna Street (1958) on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Patrick played more of Monument Valley. Watched Archer season 2, episode 10 on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Edited recent Hawaii trip photos.