Sunday, February 9, 2014

Slept in. Patrick dropped me off at West Portal. Brunch with Phil, Drew, Danny, Romy. We had planned to eat at El Toreador but because Yelp said they opened at 11 but they really opened at 12 we instead ate at Village Grill. A quick check on Yelp revealed that many, if not all, of the restaurants in West Portal were incorrectly shown as open when they were really closed. Bad Yelp. We drove Romy home then drove to my place to work on Recharge Spa web work: March newsletter and a few website updates. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: brown rice maccheroni lisci with meat sauce using Marin Sun Farms ground beef, escarole with beets, small cup of cream of butternut squash and carrot soup. Watched more of The Rooftop on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Late snack: cheese ravioli in marinara sauce from a can.