Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Breakfast at home: Hemp Plus granola with milk. Rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Resolved git issues on the laptop. Discovered today that my wireless connection at Laurel Heights is faster than my wired connection. Spent much of the day downloading and installing modern.ie VMs in VMware Fusion 6 for testing websites in various versions of IE. Called Uber driver Beryl to resolve a refund issue from October 20. Lots of asana ticket followup. Checked in with Greg about the SPS project. Filed pcard paperwork. Small web updates to comm resources pages for Liane W. 1-on-1 with Susie. Lunch from The View Cafe: veggie california sandwich with pickle, water from my contigo water bottle. Followup with Chris B about his recent request for a private dist list in Outlook. Checked in with Rodney about the new IRC website. Followup with student JL about same name issues. Chatted with Eric. Among other things, we converted our website project in progress from XHTML+RDF to HTML5 in about 15 minutes. How exciting! Followup with Michelle A about new lab website status. Rode Muni 1, 28, and 66 home. Dinner at home with Patrick: mushroom and sundried-tomato cornmeal-crust pizza, split pea soup. Started developing some back pain which I suspect was due to my recent visit to House of Air.