Saturday, October 12, 2013

I dreamt last night I had awoken to find my backpack on my bed and my bed was wet with something watery. I discovered the floor had recently been wiped dry, as though the water substance leaked from the backpack and bed to the floor. I found an empty, opened Sprite can in my backpack and didn't know how it got there. End of dream. Laundry. More camera purchase research and camera accessories purchase research. Late lunch: leftover vegetables, hummus, and baba ganoush from yesterday's reception. Dinner at home: tuscan kale veggie burger on pretzel roll bun, shoestring fries, onion rings, hot water. Finished watching Oblivion on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Neither of us liked this film very much. The music in it feels frequently out of place, some scenes are overly saccharine, some scenes don't make sense, and it reminds me too much of concepts from other science fiction and fantasy films (e.g., 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Wars: Episode IV, Moon, Independence Day, WALL*E, The Dark Knight Rises, The Adventures of Tintin). I don't frequently see films that I recommend people stay away from, but this is one of them. Underworld dance party at 550 Barneveld. Met or encountered guy marc vincent emery brad and ric keith h glen c tony h dale a joseph c blake glen matt b russ m. DJ was Guy Ruben. The main dance floor is brand new—perhaps-faux wood. The lighting system is also new. Instead of lights using motorized mirrors, the entire units are motorized, and this seems to create stronger, more vibrant light patterns on the floor. I suspect the fog system was upgraded as well. The room seemed lightly foggy evenly throughout the night.