Sunday, June 16, 2013

Breakfast at home: leftovers from dinner last night, water. More EM-5 setup and user manual and taking photos. Drove to the Castro in the mid-afternoon, parked at a meter. I met Patrick and Aaron at Moby Dick, then got a pizza slice at Escape From New York: tomato balsamic, water. Moved the car to a non-metered space. Encountered Remy A in a crosswalk, said hello. Dinner at Samovar in the Castro: Japanese tea service. For dessert we shared an order of pot de creme with gingerbread cookie. Drove home. Edited Filoli images, starting to see the power of shooting raw, particularly in controlling overexposure. Posted updated journal entries even tho the Drupalcon days are still unfinished. Late meal: veggie burger with leftover sauce from indian food delivery.