Monday, February 25, 2013

Weight training: tricep kickback. Troubleshot CrashPlan backup on the new iMac using instructions from Oliver Aaltonen's blog, but they didn't work for me I think because there was no old or new GUID. So Patrick's 500-GB CrashPlan backup needs to start over from scratch—disappointing. Similarly his Time Machine backup had to start over from scratch. In most cases I think Time Machine handles getting a new computer and reusing old backups better than CrashPlan does, but both failed in this case and I don't care enough to troubleshoot it further. I found a CrashPlan article called "Adopting another computer" but the behavior I saw did not match the document. I'm so disappointed in both Time Machine and CrashPlan. Rode my bike to work. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Content migration work in Drupal all day: curriculum and other pages. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: mushroom pizza, side salad with hard-boiled egg, hot water. Weight training: standing dumbbell curl.