Monday, February 18, 2013

Breakfast at home: Mark Bittman's sweet baked omelette with powdered sugar, vanilla yogurt, cherry preserves. Tasty and different—just what I needed. Decaf green tea. Reorganized paint supplies. Secured lamp cord for the light over the kitchen sink. Recharge Spa work for Drew: forms work. Gave away the IKEA ULDUM rug. Lunch: leftover black beans with spanish rice, hot water. Removed screws and anchors from decorative pedestals that were holding speakers. Vacuumed and patched the holes. Patched other holes left behind from removed speaker wire. Reorganized bookshelves a bit. Repaired loose stitching in my Uniqlo jeans. Altered an Abercrombie Kids short-sleeve shirt (wanika falls, white stripe) by taking the sides in a bit. Dinner at home with Patrick: baked breaded tilapia, chicken Stove Top stuffing, soup from Whole Foods, hot water. Cocktails: Conquistador (but we added root beer because it was too strong). Chatted on FaceTime and Google Hangout with Tina and Matt. Began editing another shirt. Weight training: seated and standing dumbbell curl, advanced push-up. Stretches.