Sunday, January 6, 2013

Provided my 23andme saliva sample. Breakfast at home: two eggs scrambled with parsley, paprika, green onion, two hash browns, hot water. Ironed clothes from laundry a while back. Updated current students news. Removed and rearranged furniture and did a lot of cleaning in the living room. Set up my new iMac. Lunch: tacos. It took about 2 hours to copy my data from my old iMac. The Time Machine backup didn't migrate as I expected but these were new since only 2.5 weeks ago, so I just started a new one. Patrick made pumpkin-seed-encrusted dinner rolls using a dough he prepared yesterday from scratch and a recipe from Patricia Wells at Home in Provence. Had to reconfigure CrashPlan two ways: (a) Java reinstall, (b) manually remove volume name from /Volumes. Set up the soon-to-be-deprecated speakers and amp in a temporary position. Watched some videos on YouTube to test the temporary speakers and the new, bigger, widescreen screen. Tried to watch some videos on Netflix, encountered errors in both Chrome and Safari. Called Netflix support. They had me clear the Netflix browser cookies, but that didn't resolve the problem. Removing and reinstalling Silverlight fixed it. In /Library/Internet Plug-ins find and remove Silverlight.plugin. Then reinstall Silverlight. Watched a few minutes of Planet's Funniest Animals: Ssn 9: Ep 1 then switched to How It's Made, "Aluminum Foil, Snowboards, Soft Polymer Contact Lenses and Bread" and watched the whole thing. Dinner at home with Patrick: teriyaki seitan sliders on pumpkin-seed roll, hot water for Patrick, hot pumpkin spice tea for me, leftover side salad for both. Continued editing Patrick's new book: pages 64 to 65.