Wednesday, December 5, 2012

House chores: ironing. Breakfast at home: small bowl of oatmeal, one sliced bosc pear, 8 ounces of vegetable juice. Rode Muni to work. PharmAdMIT troubleshooting and password database shortcut setup for Rick. Listserv management. 1-on-1 with Michael. Followup with Frances and UC Ready. C3 followup: Bodoni Italic. Purchased Bodoni Italic. Notified the staff about network problems reported by Stephan. Prep meeting for Joe G meeting. Posted an announcement about Student Inside Guide for Shirin for SAA. Kidney project news updates for Sara. Completed and submitted UC Ready for OSACA, informed Michael and Cindy. Followup tasks for Joe G meeting. Sincerely Sammie surprisingly stopped by to see the staff. Forwarded instructions on setting up Chatter to plancomm. Followup with Greg about Salesforce and Marketo. Emailed staff about including additional contacts in the home contact info list. Rode Muni to Aggie's place. She had just put Aiden to bed. We chatted a bit, catching up, and I helped with her computer woes. She ordered me shrimp pad thai, which I had with filtered water. After 2.5 hours we didn't fix everything, but her computer is in much better shape now. Rode Muni home.