Thursday, November 29, 2012

Weight training: crunch. Breakfast at home: cinnamon-raisin granola with soy milk and sliced banana, 8 ounces of vegetable juice. Rode Muni to work. Encountered Steaven C in the lobby, said hello. Linkchecking, kiosk work. C3 technical check-in meeting. UCSF shuttle from Parnassus to Laurel Heights. Chatted with John K over a small lunch from The View Cafe: half tuna sandwich with pickle, water from my klean kanteen. C3 theming and front-end training meeting. Susie gave Eric and me a ride to Mission Bay. Quick snack from Peasant Pies: moroccan lentil pie. We met with Jo, Brett, and Lili from the DeGrado lab about a lab website for them. Afterward we browsed in a new building on the Mission Bay campus. UCSF shuttle from Mission Bay to Parnassus. Rode Muni home, encountered Glen C and said hello, then later on a different bus chatted with Bill S about acetominophen and warfarin labeling. Recharge Spa work for Drew: added a new employee: TP. Dinner at home with Patrick: vegetable soup. Purchased my secret santa gift for the office. Late snack: three-fifths of a banana. Weight training: crunch.