Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pre-breakfast: granola with milk. Rode Muni to Palace Hotel. An Event Apart day 2 of 2. Breakfast: veggie breakfast burrito with spinach tortilla, fresh fruit, orange juice, grapefruit juice. I received a free book: Implementing Responsive Design by Tim Kadlec. Susie received a free Zeldman doll, then gave it to Ed. Lunch: side salad, asian noodles, grilled vegetables, fresh fruit. Met Craig and Russ from UC Davis in Marketing. Conference summary: all great talks, wireless was miserably unreliable, food and drink were excellent. For me, there was no one talk that was most useful. Each one had some of what I already knew or was already doing, and each one also had something new. The value for me is in the details: knowing what blog posts or books are foundational or inspiring, or learning very specific design choices such as progressively enhancing with media queries from small screens to large rather than the other way around. It's also in the big picture: knowing that others' challenges are the same as our own. Dessert: an almond cookie. Susie gave me a ride home. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled halibut with marinade of meyer lemon and black vinegar, mashed potatoes with diced roasted garlic, leftover vegetable soup, hot water. Uploaded photos to Flickr. Uploaded An Event Apart slides to UCSF via VPN. Wrote summaries of today's sessions. Checked in on supp app closure: no new issues. I uninstalled iTerm from my MacBook Air. It's not that I didn't like it; I just never used it and was used to how Terminal works. Yoga: standing warmup practice. Weight training: crunch, reverse push-up.