Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Breakfast at home: organic oatmeal with fresh diced honeycrisp apple, cinnamon, California sage honey, organic soy milk. Rode Muni to work. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. News stories spreadsheet work for Susie. SCWG meeting. Submitted an email account request for Cindy. Filed pcard paperwork. Today Eric and I learned that Michael W won a MacBook Pro at DrupalCon! Responded to a question about schedules from student KJ. Picked up lunch to go from Panda Express. Web team lunch meeting. My fortune: You are a person of imaginative yet honest intentions. Began work on son of content inventory. Patrick picked me up in Deliverator. Dinner at Gracias Madre with Patrick. Cold almost all gone, still some congestion in the chest.