Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Yoga: standing warmup practice. Weight training: wide-grip door pull-ups. Breakfast at home: 2 hash browns, 2 eggs scrambled with Dorot cilantro, naan. Rode Muni to work. Listserv management. Computer requirements meeting with Rob S and John M. Web edits for Joel: entering students reg fee and change of schedule form. More listserv management. Redirected a listserv request from Olivier J in Jim Wells's lab. Lunch: Subway veggie delight sandwich. Grad pages edits for Cindy. Purchasing paperwork. Snack: pretzels. Supp app work in Drupal. Rode Muni home. Dinner at home with Patrick: various pasta shapes with grilled vegetables in marinara sauce with parmesan cheese and dinner roll with butter, hot water. Watched part of Sister Act on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Worked on the spa website.