Saturday, January 7, 2012

Laundry and other house chores. Breakfast at home: organic oatmeal with fresh, sliced banana; cinnamon; California sage honey; organic 2% milk. Unloaded photos from my iPhone and digicam. Troubleshot problems with Patrick's Time Machine drive. Organized my iTunes library. Lunch #1: minestrone soup, 1 slice of wheat toast with butter, water. Weight training: door pull-ups, squats, sumo squats. Resolved a problem with my CrashPlan local backup drive not mounting properly. Lunch #2: grilled cheese sandwich, potato soup, water. Nap. Syndicate game night at Mike C's. Dancing at Bootie: DJ Paul V with DJ Tripp on the main floor, Bus Station John upstairs. Main floor was excellent the whole night. Upstairs I did not like the few times I visited, and the floor was sometimes sparsely populated. I chatted briefly with a guy who was (apparently) allergic to me. Afterwards, outside Beatbox, I chatted briefly with a performer named Kallieco who introduced me to Homobiles.