Monday, November 7, 2011

Weight training: door pull ups. Breakfast: leftover potato salad, 8 ounces of blueberry juice. Rode my bike to work. Helped student BP with an authentication question. Made live minor web edits for Cindy. Web team WebEx. Helped Sammie prepare for her dual monitor arms installation. QBC work in Drupal: redirects setup and prep, linkcheck setup, robots.txt adjustments, launch setup, page validation, final checks. Lunch to go from Panda Express. Michael W chatted with Eric and me a bit over lunch. Helped student KV with the 5 MB attachment filesize limit problem with listserv. Sent Tran a request to complete Sammie's dual monitor setup. Helped Joel with a supp app issue. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Set office staff phone clocks one hour back. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Patrick: tofu and vegetables stir fry with noodles. Watched about an hour of Captain America on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Again had to use Caffeine when using DVD Player. Late snack: tortilla chips and guacamole.