Friday, September 16, 2011

Stretches, tennis ball massage. Weight training: advanced hip extensions, crunches, door pull ups. Rode Muni to work. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Adjusted the clear cache batch file on the kiosk—it didn't seem to be working correctly. I scheduled it to clear the cache at 6:58 PM every day, notified Rodney. Supp app project work in Drupal: import. Small web edits and followup with SCWG about new students having problems with Microsoft's email verification process to get Office for $99.95. Coded and posted a new news story for David and Susie. Presentation prep. Chatted briefly with Michael W. Lunch: Panda Express. My fortune: The rainbow's treasures will soon belong to you. Orientation computer services presentation with Rodney. Computer maintenance for office staff. Gathered keys and ID card from Carol on her last day. Worked late. Dinner from Moffitt Cafe Express (tomato florentine soup with crackers, veggie pizza slice) which I ate down the hall in an employee break room. (The dining area was closed off because a fire alarm had fired.) Rode Muni home.