Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weight training: pec crawl. Breakfast: one organic, sliced red delicious apple. Rode Muni to work. Linkchecking, Flickr work, kiosk work. Followup with Lucia and Tran about external hard drive encryption. Followup with Catherine K about old and new UCSF search. Snack: a banana. Phone meeting with Susie and Eric: Drupal themes. Supp app project work in Drupal: PDF download is ready for testing by pharmacy. Followup with Lisa about a reimbursement request for the Fill PDF service. Followup with student MK about downloading antivirus. Lunch at Panda Express with Eric. Redirected a job posting request from Melanie D. Supp app project work in Drupal. Minor web edit for Lucia and Cindy: intern hours. Followup with Susie: finding the postbacc program page. Followup with Cindy about using WuFoo. Made an additional vacation request for the week before Labor Day to add more time to attending BriKel's wedding in NYC. Minor web edit: removed CoursEval from the accounts list. Followup with Susie about MDD changes that have been staged for 7 weeks and no resolution yet for the Abate lab website (6 weeks). Lots of supp app project work in Drupal. Dinner at Venticello with Bill, he gave me a ride home afterwards.