Friday, April 22, 2011

Weight training: supermans, pec crawl. Password database management. Rode the bus to the DMV. I recently somehow misplaced my driver's license and looked everywhere but could not find it. I arrived at 7:45 AM and was 43rd in line. It opened at 8:00 AM and surprisingly within 30 minutes I received a temporary driver's license. They'll send me the real one in the mail. Cost: $25. The woman helping me forgot to ask me to sign the form, but luckily I remembered to ask her at the end when she said I was all finished. While waiting in line I began rereading Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash. Parts feel a bit dated. And I had forgotten how funny it is, was LOLing a fair amount. Chatted on the phone briefly with Patrick. Rode the bus to work. Reviewed proposed hardware purchases for the IRC project several times throughout the day. Helped student MT with a question about spam. Reviewed with Eric our remaining technology needs for S-936. More new student welcome letter followup throughout the day. Will picked me up at work. Dinner at home with Will: appetizer: cheddar herb bread that Mom and Dad brought; main course: semi-kamikaze potato curry, steamed rice; dessert: Easter egg sugar cookie. Watched The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters on Netflix DVD with Will. This film starts out being about Donkey Kong champions but ends up being about sportsmanship and integrity. I thought the production and direction of this film were excellent. The story and the drama weren't that important to me, but I was impressed by the skillful playing. Steve Wiebe's daughter has the best line in this film. It was also fun to see an explanation of the kill screen for Pac-Man because I have a t-shirt of the Pac-Man kill screen but didn't exactly understand what it was about. I went to bed 15 minutes before the end. If you liked this film, you might also like Trekkies (1997) or Trekkies 2 (2004).