Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Breakfast at home: yogurt with toffee nut granola. Rode my bike to work. Asked John DeSalvo at Acquia to not call me. Catherine K reported that the infinite loop problem on was now resolved, so I reinstated linkchecking for, then reported that the linkcheck now failed on an mp4 file that was probably a filetype issue. Followup with Chris W with his Django installation. Calendar management and management activities. Confirmed for student AD that a slight display name change request has been completed in AD. Followup with Chris W with his Django installation. Helped Joel with a PharmAdMIT and Office 2010 problem. Redirected a logo request from Shirin to Susie. Installed a reg file for Joel to resolve problems with PharmAdMIT and Office 2010. Lunch #1 in the work room with Shirin: leftover polenta, mushrooms, and spinach from Catch. Lunch #2 at desk: leftover tofu and veggie stir-fry. Rode my bike home. Dinner at home with Will: veggie refried bean and taco mix burritos with cheese, iceberg lettuce, grape tomatoes, sour cream. We watched the remainder of Strong Bad's E-mails on Netflix DVD then watched the first 60 minutes of Foxy Brown on Netflix instant watch. To bed around 10:30 PM.