Monday, November 8, 2010

Breakfast at home: organic nonfat yogurt with fresh diced organic pear, City Bees McLaren Park honey, cinnamon. 1-on-1 with Eric: domain forwarding; installs for Python, mod_wsgi, and Django for Chris W; The Archive hasn't been working correctly lately, so we spent some time troubleshooting it. Sent a message to the websteering list and never received the confirmation request but was told by ITS that listserv is having problems. Snack: wheat thin crackers. Lunch at desk: two small meals of leftovers, one at around 11:00 and the other at around 3:00. Finished setting up the kidney project website for Susie and Shuvo. Followup with my pcard order. Minor web update: transcript request form for Cindy and Doug. More Sencha work. I somehow got the datepicker working correctly. Before the datepicker window was sized incorrectly and took up an extremely large width. I installed new files for Ext JS and that fixed it—something to do with the wrong version of Ext JS? Thought about going to Testarossa but instead went to bed early.