Thursday, November 4, 2010

Breakfast from the cafeteria: scrambled eggs, hash browns, wheat toast. Linkchecking, kiosk work. Followup with Chris W about account info. Tried hooking up a microphone to my Mac Pro then realized that it's line in only—I need to buy a USB microphone instead. Followup with Lisa M about robots.txt. Domain maintenance with Eric. Lunch from the cafeteria: mushroom enchilada, mexican rice, corn off the cob. More Sencha work. 1-on-1 with Eric: we looked at the Sencha work a bit but didn't get much done. More Sencha work on my own. Dinner at home with William: mushroom risotto, stir-fried baby bok choy. We watched Total Recall on Netflix DVD. William stayed over; too late and too tired to go home.