Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yoga: standing warmup. Jogging in place: 20 minutes. Breakfast at home: oatmeal with sliced organic strawberries, half and half, organic nonfat milk, sour cream. To work. Scott's last day at the OSACA. Cindy brought bagels for a final farewell. Eric and I had lunch with him at Hahn's Hibachi. Web edits involving Scott's departure, PACCTR, edited content for the new PharmD/PhD pages. Helped Lisa find the procedure for how to remove accidental forwarding on fax lines. Began listserv migration. Provided Mark B with feedback on the revised ITS wireless page. Met with Eric, worked on improving speed with the homepage. Dinner at home: veggie and tofu stir-fry with bok choy, mushrooms, spinach, zucchini, green cabbage, organic garlic, organic ginger, homemade sauce. Chatted briefly with Zach who said we were the quietest neighbors he has ever had—so sweet. Jogging in place: 25 minutes.