Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Breakfast: oatmeal with organic peruvian fresh sliced banana, organic cinnamon, 1 level tablespoon of brown sugar; 12 ounces of V8. To work. Web edits: videoconf, naplex. Followup with student AC about how to distribute a message widely and how to submit an announcement to the kiosk. Shuttle to Laurel Heights. Web team meeting. Lunch with Eric D at Sweet Jo's—his first time in the center. Tuna melt, salt and pepper french fries, ketchup, ice water. Took photos of 2 conference rooms and the bulletin board area. Shuttle to Parnassus. Various web edits: videoconf, about the students. Walked to the bus stop. Realized that I left the produce I bought today in the office. Back to the office, picked up produce. To home. Dinner at home with Patrick: grilled vegetables quesadillas.