Monday, December 14, 2009

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Facelift work. Helped student JY set up wireless and email on an iPhone. Notified Cesar that Don's international broadband modem had arrived. Lunch: leftover pasta. Helped Scott E resolve a problem with PharmAdMIT 2010 which I will hopefully document later. Installed the same fix for JWG's computer. Dinner at Nan King Road Bistro by myself: hong kong noodles with shrimp, water. Attempted to bake honey-glazed sweet potato biscuits but it was a disaster I think because of the gluten-free baking mix which Patrick bought for me to use instead of Bisquick. Made gingerbread after throwing away the whole batch. Late meal: vermicelli bean thread noodle soup in mushroom broth with mushrooms, broccoli, and cauliflower.