Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Communications project work. ComNet group maintenance. Sent Lucas R links to arguments for larger screen sizes. Assisted student SC with cardkey issues. Lunch: vegetarian taco, vegetarian nachos from Carmelinas, hot water. Installed Windows 7 into VMware Fusion 3—my second Windows 7 installation. The installation was crazy-fast—15 minutes. It took another 1.75 hours to use Windows Easy Transfer to migrate my files from Windows XP and complete most of my configuration. I still have to install the big things—Adobe Creative Suite CS3 and Microsoft Office. I also have to install a few browsers. More facelift project work. More communications project work. Answered an iPhone question for student KD. Dinner at home with Patrick: angel hair pasta with cheese and red sauce, side salad, hot water. Watched extras from Food Inc. on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Continued installing updates for Snow Leopard, uninstalled and reinstalled Sophos, installed Fusion 3, then installed Windows 7—my third Windows 7 installation. Late snack: white corn and zucchini tamale, hot water. Stretches.