Sunday, October 18, 2009

Slept in. Stretches, weight training: crunch. Brunch at home with Patrick: leftovers. Watched Firefly "Ariel" on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Read articles about "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan. Nap. Stretches. Dinner at home with Patrick: baked sesame teriyaki salmon, tater tots, steamed baby bok choy, hot water. Web work for Danny's website: animations investigation for Phil. Watched Firefly "War Stories" on Netflix DVD with Patrick. Updated a module for Patrick's website. Checked on Patrick's Carbon Copy Cloner backup—the sparseimage had gotten corrupted and would no longer mount in Finder. I don't (yet) have DiskWarrior, so it was easier to trash the existing sparseimage and start over from scratch. This event could provide more evidence that the earlier problems I had with Time Machine were really due to Airport Express not properly keeping volumes mounted and not Time Machine like I had suspected. Either way they're both Apple products, though. CrashPlan still seems to be working properly, though, and that's going through Airport Express, too, so who knows what's really going on?