Sunday, September 13, 2009

Breakfast: nonfat cherry vanilla yogurt. Tried and failed again to install Fink which I wanted because I wanted to install Bluefish. Giving up on both for now. Cleaned up a lot of long-neglected broken links in Lodestar. Brunch at Park Chow with psychobauble, Nate, Patrick. Shopped for wrapping paper. Home. Patrick took a nap. I fixed more broken links on Lodestar and also set up linkchecking for LLGH and Danny's spa. Prepped Tina's site for migration to bluehost. Dinner at home with Patrick: chicken with whole wheat pasta in marinara sauce, hot water. Watched Le scaphandre et le papillon (1997) on Netflix DVD with Patrick. My Netflix note: "This touching and partly true story of Jean-Dominique Bauby, editor of ELLE magazine, reminds us what it means to live and to enjoy life and what good one can accomplish under the most despairing circumstances."