Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time Machine errors: on Patrick's computer: The backup volume could not be mounted. On my computer: Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while copying files to the backup volume. No time to troubleshoot now. Restarted Patrick's computer. Turned Time Machine off on mine. To work. Answered a question for Karl M about .htaccess files. Prepared reimbursement requests. Eric D and I shuttled to Laurel Heights. Picked up lunch at The View with Eric D. DAL meeting with Joe, Mike, Susie, and Eric D. 1-on-1 with Cindy. Pathway calendar edits for Carol. Orientation edits for Shirin. Began creating a Yahoo! Pipe to combine all known UCSF Twitter feeds—there are about 15 of them. Dinner at home with Patrick: mushroom risotto, beef tri-tip marinated in porter, corn on the cob. Watched disc 1 extras from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on Netflix DVD with Patrick. More Time Machine troubleshooting. Console: "Error writing to backup log. NSFileHandleOperationException:*** -[NSConcreteFileHandle writeData:]: Input/output error" and "Copy stage failed with error:11" and "Couldn't create backup directory for computer name..." and "Failed to eject..." and "Error: (-36) Creating directory..." and "Backup failed with error: 2" and "(FSVolumeRefNum: -110; status: -47; dissenting pid: 0)". Here's what I did in response: Open Time Machine preferences, select Change Disk..., stop backing up. Select Choose backup disk, reselect the same drive. Turn off Time Machine on Patrick's computer. Restart Airport Express. Attempted new backup: "Backup failed with error: 18", "cookies do not match." Unmounted the Time Machine drive. Power-cycled the Time Machine drive. Restarted Airport Express again. Attempted new backup: "Backup failed with error: 18", "cookies do not match." Used the solution I had successfully used on August 5. Backup begins. Backup completes successfully. I start another backup immediately—it is successful. Looked at lots of friends' photos on Facebook and Flickr. Checked Console: no Time Machine errors. Removed an excluded folder from Time Machine, started a new backup, it completes successfully. Removed another excluded folder from Time Machine, started a new backup, it completes successfully. Turned Time Machine back on for Patrick's computer. Time Machine error on my computer: "Bulk setting Spotlight attributes failed." To bed.