Friday, July 31, 2009

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Web meeting with Susie at Palio. Meeting followup. Orientation web edits. Linkchecking. Checked in with Kurt G about configuring our computers to shut down at night to save energy. Followup with Chris C about a telephone problem he reported. Management activities. Communications section work. Late lunch: wide rice noodles with chicken and vegetables, iced coffee. Management activities. Uploaded photos to Flickr. Communications section work. Dinner with Patrick at Ebisu (415-566-1770, 1283-9th Avenue, San Francisco, California, USA): negihamachi hosomaki, poke roll, boston roll, tokyo tower roll, kappa hosomaki, king california hosomaki, tea for me, Sapporo for Patrick—$49.99 before tip. de Young Museum with Patrick, Persian music. Dessert at the museum cafe: hot tea for me, hot chocolate for Patrick, small tart, small pastry. Home. Worked on Patrick's website: prepared homepage images. Cut my hair.