Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Stretches. Weight training: leg lifts and kickbacks. Telecommute day. Patrick is at home today too, taking this week off from part of his work to concentrate on writing his martial arts philosophy book. Installed Bitvise Tunnelier 4.29 into Windows Vista. Uninstalled and deleted Tunnelier. Couldn't get it to do what I needed. Installed AppGate mindTerm. Couldn't figure out how to run the mindterm.jar file. Deleted mindTerm. Downloaded Putty. Realized that I had never installed Java in this Windows Vista VM. Installed Java. Pulled mindTerm out of the trash. It works! Did a lot of stylesheet work today which needed to be done to enable proper print stylesheets which never got done and which I needed to implement elegant changes to a page for JWG (academic prereqs). Got all that work done, sent it to JWG for review. Edits to the new page on using drug databases, pushed it live. Dinner at home with Patrick: pasta with pig in tomato sauce. Nap. Woke up late, worked on Patrick's website.