Monday, June 15, 2009

Hunch is down as of 8:09 AM—weird. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Email address change for a student. Phone change followup for JWG. Helped student SL with a question about mailing lists. Redirected a request to post a fellowship to Frank M. Staff Council meeting about the budget. Chatted briefly with Sarah P about tomorrow's meeting. Health events process and form for Chris C—sent to Chris for review. Password management. Installed Windows updates for my computer. Helped a student with mailbox too full problem. Minor web updates: added SF bike map to our maps page and current students page. Set up extension cord to work room, announced to staff. Researched monospace fonts for programming. My choices so far in order of preference (favorites first): Consolas, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, Lucida Console, Monaco, Andale Mono. Computer maintenance for Shirin: uninstalled Workrave. 17 items in my inbox. Did some catching up on email. Worked a little on Patrick's website.