Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Web survey meeting. Sent Outlook tip #14 to Shirin. 1-on-1 with Cindy: nothing to cover. Helped student MAM set up UCSF email on Windows Mobile (must use ActiveSync procedure then wait 20 minutes). Helped student LH set up UCSF email on Blackberry (must use IMAP). Helped grad Kristin H distribute a video on—we privately shared a 712-MB video and permitted original source downloading in about 20 minutes—amazing! 8 minutes of that was the upload time over our superfast campus network connection. Cost: $8/month. Lunch: leftover burrito and tortilla chips from yesterday. During lunch we helped Shirin with a crossword puzzle, and I thought that was fun. Followup with Claire L about STOR. Posted fall draft schedules for Lucia. Asked OSACA staff to document requirements for web content changes. Calendar management. Chatted with Steve W on Muni. Saw Karl S in Jumpin Java and chatted him briefly. Eye doctor appointment—regular checkup, no problems. Bought pretty tasty cherries from Rodin Farms (209-551-6701, The Fruit Stand, Modesto, California, USA) at the Farmer's Market in the Castro at Noe and Market. Home. Chatted with Mom on the phone. Dinner at home by myself: leftovers. Dessert: cherries. Researched non-motorized, user-propelled vehicles. Xootr Mg is the favored scooter so far. I learned 2 interesting things from wikipedia today: Mocha is a port city on the coast of Yemen. Before JavaScript it was called LiveScript and before LiveScript it had another name that I never knew about. Interesting! Chatted with quantum13 online and helped him with transparent colors in images in PowerPoint. Stretches. Weight training: superslow one-arm dumbbell row, superslow hammer curl, superslow wrist curl, superslow reverse wrist curl.