Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shower. Usual oatmeal breakfast. To work. BTS website: sent out heads up notice of freeze window and launch to subsite owners, created icons in Photoshop using Adobe fonts (Warning Pi, European Pi, Commercial Pi, and Astrology Pi), put icons on faculty and research pages, did other edits and swept out unused or unnecessary files. Submitted a DNS change request to OAAIS for Scott N. Followed up on redirects with PubAff for Jamie F. Helped student KH with email issues. Helped student ML with email. Helped student MR with email. Lunch: Panda Express to go. My fortune: Treat yourself to something of quality. Finalized and burned progress report cdroms for Barbara S. More BTS followup. Home. Discovered that part of my journal website is not working correctly, investigated the problem. Reconfigured the firewall. Dinner at home with Patrick: dumplings. Home financial work. Reconfigured the home network so that our Airport Extreme acts as a Time Capsule for both computers. This feature is not advertised by Apple. Almost no one should buy the device called Apple Time Capsule—you'll get more for your money if you buy an Airport Extreme and the largest external hard drive you can afford. Plug the external hard drive into the Airport Extreme and you essentially have a Time Capsule, but a lot more space and for a lot less money. Plug a hub into the Airport Extreme, then add multiple external hard drives, and you can have multiple Time Capsules or multiple shared drives available to computers on your wired and wireless network. Cool! Stretches. Weight training: various lower body, superslow tricep kickback. Late meal: high fiber V8, hot nonfat milk, chunky soup.