Friday, January 16, 2009

Weight training: advanced plank (5:00). Usual oatmeal breakfast. Meeting mixup, chatted with Kathleen and Susie. Consultants meeting. Lunch: panda express. Watched video demos of Dabble DB and Zoho DB, was more impressed with Dabble DB than Zoho DB. Management and hiring work. 1-on-1 meeting with Eric D. He introduced me to Microsoft Songsmith via the demo video on YouTube, and I thought it was a spoof at first. Scary to think that it's a real product—it looks so cheesy! He hadn't seen "Microsoft redesigns the iPod 2005 package" so afterwards we watched and laughed at that. Picked up the job postings form project again. UCSF comm discussions. To home. Snack: 3 nonfat fig newton cookies. Dinner at home with Patrick: hawaiian pizza, V8 juice, hot ginger tea with local honey. Spent some time getting to know Weight training: various upper body. Stretches. Late meal: hot nonfat milk, lowfat cherry yogurt, 2 nonfat fig newton cookies, chunky soup, hot ginger tea.