Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast except no sugars. I accidentally fixed the Mighty Mouse scrolling problem that I described yesterday. I was just experimenting with actions that might possible fix the scroller. I guessed that there was some kind of sensor attached to the scroller that was somehow getting blocked from contact with or view of the scroller. I found that vigorously shaking the mouse up and down make the up scrolling work when it hadn't before. Then I tried pressing the button and holding it in and then scrolling in all directions. Several attempts of this last action eventually fixed it, but it took some experimentation and persistence. It didn't get fixed the first time I tried it. Clicking the scroller as a button on my computer invokes the Dashboard. What fixed it for me was click-holding-scrolling after the Dashboard was on the screen and I had let go of the scroller. It didn't fix itself upon invoking the Dashboard. CTS work: asked Eric V to set up pizza and drinks for one of our focus groups. Student computing working group meeting. Job postings form work. Communicators network steering committee meeting. Lunch: tostada from Carmelina's. Reviewed Doug's wireless survey. Job postings form work. Met with Eric D: UCSF identity guide. To home. Work for Recharge: postcard. Command+W failed to close open Finder windows in OS 10.5.5 but in other apps it worked as expected. Logging out and logging back in fixed it.