Saturday, November 1, 2008

Realized that I can add Google Talk and Facebook to Adium, so I did. Wow—what a difference! Showered. Picked up Patrick, who slept over at Aaron's last night. Chatted online with Nate. Met MH in the midafternoon at Green Apple Books, chatted at Genki Ramen, which we both enjoyed. MH had takoyaki, an appetizer from the happy hour menu, and I had chicken yakisoba, which had thinner noodles than we both had expected, and was otherwise good but not extraordinary. Hot green tea for both. She gave me XOX truffles as an early birthday present—so thoughtful! While we were in the restaurant, Mike F and Nam D sat at the table next to us for lunch, and we said hello. Learned what steampunk is from Victor C and Wikipedia. House chores. Archived a document for Patrick. Attempted to fix the problem I have in Vista with "Please wait while Windows configures Adobe Acrobat 8.1.2" appearing randomly such as while right-clicking files in Windows Explorer. I used the solution proposed by "Bueford Tannon - 7:55am Mar 31, 08 PST (#45 of 55)". Took apart my Halloween costume. It took a long time because of all the safety pins. Bueford Tannon's proposed solution did not resolve the problem on my computer. Gave up trying to fix this problem. iMac froze today—some kind of kernal panic. Had to cold restart. Late meal: steamed rice, leftover food from PDD's party: lemongrass chicken, fish meatballs. Small web edits for Phil.