Saturday, October 25, 2008

Signed up with Scribd. Relatively speaking, as web form design exists on the web today, the account setup process had an unusually high amount of attention to detail in programming and was very pleasant to use. However, neither after signing up at work nor after signing up at home did I receive the confirmation emails it said I would receive. I tried sending them more than once and also waited hours—nothing. Not replying to the confirmation email doesn't seem to prevent one from doing things in Scribd, so maybe it doesn't matter? Unknown. Weight training: advanced plank (4:00—new personal best—why is this exercise so easy now?). Yesterday I started investigating problems with the Lodestar Quarterly website. It seems we had been sending billing notices to an email address that Patrick had stopped using in the past year, so the account went accidentally unpaid and now I'm trying to figure out how to turn it back on. The site only had archived material on it, so the web hosting part of it was not the big concern, but Patrick uses that domain for his primary email, and now he's upset that he doesn't have his email, of course. I submitted a request to the provider and after 2 hours received a response which clued us in to the defunct email address, but after that there was no response and I don't know why. It's not like them to not respond for this long, so I'm now shopping around, wondering if I can move all my domains from them to another provider and possibly also save me and my friends a total of a few hundred dollars a year at the same time. Weight training: side plank (1:00 each side). Usual oatmeal breakfast. Cut my hair, showered. Prepared my Halloween costume. Uploaded photos to Flickr. House chores. Late lunch at home with Patrick: chinese bbq cow, boiled peas, steamed rice. Nap. Stretches. Weight training: superslow dumbbell press, superslow lying-down overhead tricep kickback. Stretches. Backed up all home websites. Went to Remi and Jesse's Halloween party at Remi's place.